About Freedom In The Cross Ministries

Our Story

After holding a weekly prayer meeting for over five months, during which we experienced many awesome visitations from the Lord, we were each individually challenged to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus. What emerged from those prayer meetings was the Lord instructing us to begin having a weekly Bible study. As we obeyed the Lord’s direction, and continued to seek Him, He began speaking directly and indirectly on several occasions that we should start a church. It was our desire to have a place where we could worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth without any restrictions, so we could magnify the Lord at the greatest level possible. We have also sensed that many Christians spend very little time in daily prayer and bible study. From personal experience, we know how important this is for spiritual growth. A church should be a place where Christians are challenged to grow in their relationship with the Lord. This can happen if the Word of God is taught and preached in a manner that inspires all to reach their greatest potential.

Weeks later God also confirmed, through a word of knowledge and vision, how the leadership team should be structured.

Jim and Sandra Conrey were to be Associate Pastors, Greg and Lupe Solomos were to be Assistant Pastors and Kent and Gwen Fowler were to be Senior pastors. As we prayerfully sought God to name the church, He ultimately spoke through members of our prayer group, revealing and confirming that Freedom In The Cross Ministries was to be the name.

On March 11th, 2018 we held our first church service at 403 West Maple Street in Jeffersonville, Indiana, with approximately thirty precious souls in attendance. During the first sermon, Rev. Fowler taught about being in subjection one to another. After serving God in the ministry for close to 40 years, Rev. Fowler has held onto 1st Peter 5:2-3 which says: “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock.” The two most important things we should embrace from these scriptures are: 1. That we are not lords “neither as being lords,” and 2. That we need to be examples unto God’s people “being ensamples to God’s people.”

The members of Freedom in the Cross Ministries desire to worship God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ in Spirit and in Truth. We believe in letting the Spirit have His way in our worship services and during the ministering of God’s Word.We want to help others who have a desire for more of Christ to find spiritual freedom in their lives. Freedom begins when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. Jesus provides a greater level of freedom for everyone when He baptizes us with the Holy Ghost and Fire. This gives us a greater prayer life privately and publicly. When each of us chooses to be baptized in the Name of Jesus, we can place our sinful past behind us and commit our lives fully to Him and are truly free to love Him and live for Him the way He intended. Each day, as we wash our hands and our feet in the waters of His Name, death, and life, we are cleansed from our indwelling sins and have the power to overcome our old sinful man.The Christian walk is a walk of faith and is all about growth. God desires us to grow through the study of his Word so we can gain the armour of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge that we need to be clothed with. We believe that God is then faithful to daily provide the experiences we need to put that wisdom, understanding, and knowledge into practice and learn how to have a closer walk with Him.

What can we do for you?

At Freedom in the Cross Ministries,

we are focused on helping people find the Light of Jesus, to walk in it every day and have a victorious, fulfilling life.

For spiritual counseling, prayer, or to just talk about something you may be going through, please contact us.

We provide counseling based on the principles found in the Word of God. We are happy to listen to your situation and give you insight based on God’s Word. Everyone needs someone to talk to at times, and we are here to support you or direct you to one of our partnering agencies.

Need to talk?

If you need spiritual counseling, we are here to talk with you.

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